Live Bus Information

Route 9 - Reading Station to Shinfield Park

click on bus stop below for live info

										Timetable for Route 9
										Map for Route 9
					          Map for Route 9

timetables from service operator: Reading Buses

Bus Stops for Route 9

click on bus stop below for live info

Reading Station to Shinfield ParkShinfield Park to Reading Station
Friar StreetShinfield Park
Station RoadMotorway Footbridge
Market PlaceDrewett Close
Kings Road Duke StreetEngineers Arms
Huntley and PalmersWoodside Way
Eldon RoadWentworth Avenue
RBH Main EntranceHolberton Road
RBH South WingTamarisk Avenue
Redlane CourtDownham Court
Allcroft RoadThe Maidens
Christchurch GreenBeech Road
Chancellors WayCressingham Road Church
Wellington AvenueLeighton Park Copse
Leighton Park CopseWellington Avenue
Cressingham Road ChurchChancellors Way
Beech RoadChristchurch Green
The MaidensAllcroft Road
Halls LaneRedlane Court
Weather CentreRBH South Wing
Ducketts FarmRBH Main Entrance
Shinfield ParkUoR London Road
Crown Street
London Street Foot
Kings Road Duke Street
Minster Street
St Marys Butts
Friar Street
Station Road

<p>Service status information is derived from an algorithm comparing timetable information with the arrival of buses en route at timing points. Live bus information for individual routes is derived from tracking devices and the standard journey times between the current position of the bus and the bus stop. Where live data is not available Timetable information is displayed (shown at TT). Data is provided by Reading Borough Council through its Open Data Server project.</p>

Route 9Station Road EAMarket Place MAKings Road Duke Street MFHuntley and PalmersEldon RoadRBH Main EntranceRBH South WingRedlane CourtAllcorft RoadChristchurch GreenChancellors WayWellington AvenueLeighton Park CopseCressingham Road ChurchBeech RoadThe MaidensTamarisk AvenueHolberton RoadWentworth AvenueWoodside WayEngineers CourtDrewett CloseMotorway FootbridgeShinfield ParkShinfield ParkDucketts FarmWeather CentreHalls LaneDownham CourtBeech RoadCressingham Road ChurchLeighton Park CopseWellington AvenueChancellors WayChristchurch GreenAllcroft RoadRedlane CourtRBH South WingRBH Main EntranceUoR London RoadCrown StreetLondon Street FootKings Road Duke Street MHMinster Street MPSt Marys Butts CLFriar Street FHStation Road EA

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