Frequently Asked Questions

Who is responsible for this website?

This site is maintained on behalf of West Berkshire Council. It was developed in conjunction with Reading Borough Council and local bus operators.

Where does the data come from?

West Berkshire and Reading Borough Councils operate a shared system that captures live information about where specially-equipped buses are and uses this information to predict the arrival time of those buses at stops along their routes. These arrival time predictions are shown on display screens at major bus stops for the benefit of customers and are also made available on this website via systems shared with Reading Borough Council.

The route I'm looking for isn't in the live data. Why not?

Not all routes are included in the system at present, but West Berkshire Council is working with its partners to explore the potential to expand coverage. The Council's Transport Guide, containing details of all bus services in West Berkshire is available to download from the Council's Public Transport web page at

I have a comment or have had a problem with using this site. How can I get in contact?

You can contact us by email:

Alternatively, you can write to us at:

Transport Services Team
West Berkshire Council
Market Street
RG14 5LD

Is information available for services beyond West Berkshire?

This website provides live information, where available, for services operated by specially-equipped buses within West Berkshire.  Some of these services travel into neighbouring local authority areas. For information about other services, please visit the Traveline website or the TravelReading Live website at

I'm a developer. Can I get access to the data feeds?

Yes, all of the data used on the site is available as an open data feed, via the platform shared with Reading Borough Council. Please visit [INSERT TRLive DEVELOPER PAGE LINK] for more details.


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