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There are many different web browsers (the software through which you view web pages such as this) in use. Even the most common web browsers are in use in many different versions and releases and may function differently on different operating systems.

As such it is impractical to test this site on every possible combination of browser and operating system.

On PC platforms we recommend the use of Google Chrome, Internet Explorer 9 or Firefox 13 and above. Should you wish to view the site regularly we recommend keeping your browser up-to-date.

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  • Google Chrome (version 21.0.1180.89)
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 and 9*
  • Mozilla Firefox 13, 14 and 15
  • Safari** (iOS5)

* Note that Internet Explorer 8 running on Windows XP may result in some inconsistencies. Given Microsoft's intention to discontinue support for XP in 2013 it is not possible to resolve these minor issues.

** Note that on some releases of Safari on certain Apple devices font performance is varied which may result in some inconsistencies.


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