Live Bus Information


Route 15a - Reading Station to Tilehurst Triangle

click on bus stop below for live info

										Timetable for Route 15a
										Map for Route 15a

timetables from service operator: Reading Buses

Route 15aFriar Street FECheapside stop CXWaylen StreetGeorge StreetReading West StationBeresford RoadWest Village - TescoWantage RoadBrock GardensPond HouseBrisbane RoadDee Road Fire StationRanikhetTay RoadTern CloseDee Road topDryland HouseChurch End LaneCorwen RoadSt MichaelsHalls RoadLansdowne RoadTilehurst Triangle Stop VTilehurst Triangle stop XChapel HillChapel HillChapel Hill Lower Elmstone DriveNormanstead RoadChapel Hill Westwood GlenCromer CloseLower Elmstone DriveLower Elmstone DriveCromer CloseChapel Hill Westwood GlenNormanstead RoadChapel Hill Lower Elmstone DriveChapel HillLansdowne RoadHalls RoadSt MichaelsCorwen RoadChurch End LaneDryland HouseDee Road TopTern CloseTay RoadRanikhetDee Road Fire StationBrisbane RoadPond HouseBrock GardensWantage RoadWest Village - TescoBeresford RoadReading West StationGeorge StreetWaylen StreetCheapside CVWest Street CUStation Road EF

Bus Stops for Route Route 15a

click on bus stop below for live info

Reading Station to Tilehurst TriangleTilehurst Triangle to Reading Station
Friar StreetWest Village - TescoTay Road
CheapsideWantage Road
Waylen StreetBrock Gardens
George StreetPond House
Reading West Rail Station - Oxford RoadBrisbane Road
Beresford RoadDee Road Fire Station

<p>Service status information is derived from an algorithm comparing timetable information with the arrival of buses en route at timing points. Live bus information for individual routes is derived from tracking devices and the standard journey times between the current position of the bus and the bus stop. Where live data is not available Timetable information is displayed (shown at TT). Data is provided by Reading Borough Council through its Open Data Server project.</p>


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