Live Bus Information


Route 90 - Reading to Bracknell

click on bus stop below for live info

										Timetable for Route 190
										Map for Route 190

timetables from service operator: First Buses

Route 190St Marys Butts CTCemetery JunctionThree TunsLoddon Bridge The GeorgeWinnersh Cross RoadsEmmbrook - Rifle VolunteerWokingham - Broad StreetJohn Nike Leisure CentreFarley Moor LakeBracknell Bus StationBracknell Bus Station Bay 4Farley Moor LakeJohn Nike Leisure CentreWokingham - Broad StreetEmmbrook - Rifle VolunteerWinnersh Cross RoadsLoddon Bridge The GeorgeThree TunsCemetery Junction

Bus Stops for Route Route 90

click on bus stop below for live info

Reading to BracknellBracknell to Reading
St Marys ButtsWinnersh Post OfficeBracknell Bus Station Bay 4Arbor Lane
Friar StreetWinnersh Cross RoadsThe Ring / High Street (stop C)Bearwood Path
Blagrave StreetWoodward CloseArlington SquareDrome Path
Kings Road Duke StreetSadlers LaneThe ArenaCavendish Gardens
Huntley and PalmersSimons LaneEasthampstead RoadVernalis
Eldon RoadRifle VolunteerMilbanke WayThe George
Reading CollegeOxford RoadFarley Moor LakeMeadow Road
Cemetery JunctionHolt LaneCain Road - DellHenley Wood Road
Hamilton RoadWokingham, Shute EndCain Road - Beehive RoadEarley Station
College RoadWokingham, Broad StreetJohn Nike Leisure CentreStanton Close
Palmer Park AvenueSeaford RoadCoppid Beech HillMays Lane
St Peters RoadThree FrogsHilton St Annes HotelThree Tuns
Melrose AvenuePlough LanePlough LaneMelrose Avenue
Three TunsHilton St Annes HotelThree FrogsSt Peters Road
Mays LaneCoppid Beech HillSeaford RoadPalmer Park Avenue
Stanton CloseJohn Nike Leisure CentreWokingham, Broad StreetCollege Road
Earley StationCain Road - Beehive RoadWokingham, Shute EndHamilton Road
Henley Wood RoadCain Road - FujitsuHolt LaneCemetery Junction
Meadow RoadFarley Moor LakeOxford RoadReading College
The GeorgeMilbanke WayRifle VolunteerEldon Road
Loddon BridgeEasthampstead RoadSimons LaneHuntley and Palmers
Cavendish GardensThe ArenaSadlers LaneKing Street
Drome PathArlington SquareWoodward CloseSt Marys Butts
Bearwood PathSkimped Hill Health CentreWinnersh Cross Roads
Arbor LaneBracknell Bus Station Bay 4Winnersh Post Office

<p>Service status information is derived from an algorithm comparing timetable information with the arrival of buses en route at timing points. Live bus information for individual routes is derived from tracking devices and the standard journey times between the current position of the bus and the bus stop. Where live data is not available Timetable information is displayed (shown at TT). Data is provided by Reading Borough Council through its Open Data Server project.</p>


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