Live Bus Information


Route 19b - Reading to Lower Earley Asda

click on bus stop below for live info

										Timetable for Route 19
										Map for Route 19

timetables from service operator: Reading Buses

Route 19Friar Street FMMarket Place MAKings Road Duke Street MFEldon RoadRBH Main EntranceRBH South WingAlexandra RoadFoxhill RoadEastern Avenue FootMockbeggarBridges HallEarley GateSt Peters ChurchAnderson AvenueCulver Lane - Hail and RideBulmershe CourtPalmerstone RoadBulmershe Sports CentreAntrim RoadNorth LakeThatchersArundel RoadHeadley Road CircleHeadley ParkSpitfire WayHerald WayDunbar DriveOak DriveAustin RoadChapel HallDrovers Way TopHearn RoadCoppice Road ParadeCoppice RoadLoddon Bridge The GeorgeSkelmerdale Way FootpathMill Lane - Gipsy LaneToseland WayHawkedon WaySellafield WayMarefieldBeech LaneFaygate WayChatton CloseChalfont Way ASDABrookside CloseGipsy LaneHillside RoadKenton RoadLakesideSilverdale Road ShopsKennedy GardensBeech Lane / Wilderness RoadHartsbourne RoadWychwood CrescentBrerewoodChalfont Way CircleChalfont Way ASDAFaygate WayChatton CloseMarefieldBeech LaneBrerewoodWychwood CrescentHartsbourne RoadBeech Lane / Wilderness RoadKennedy GardensSilverdale Road ShopsLakesideKenton RoadHillside RoadGipsy LaneBrookside CloseSellafield WayGipsy Lane - Mill LaneMill Lane - Gipsy LaneSkelmerdale Way FootpathLoddon Bridge The GeorgeCoppice RoadCoppice Road ParadeHearn RoadDrovers Way TopChapel HallAustin RoadOak DriveDunbar DriveHerald WayViscount WaySpitfire WayHeadley ParkAdwestHeadley Road CircleSilver Fox CrescentArundel RoadThatchersNorth LakeAntrim RoadBulmershe Sports CentreBulmershe CourtCulver Lane - Hail and RideAnderson AvenuePalmerstone RoadSt Peters ChurchEarley CrossroadsEarley GateBridges HallMockbeggarEastern Avenue FootFoxhill RoadAlexandra RoadRBH South WingRBH Main EntranceCrown StreetLondon Street FootKings Road Duke Street MHMinster Street MPSt Marys Butts CL

Bus Stops for Route Route 19b

click on bus stop below for live info

Reading to Lower Earley AsdaLower Earley Asda to Reading
Friar StreetHerald WayChalfont Way ASDAWoodley Piazza
Blagrave StreetDunbar DriveFaygate WayHeadley Park
Market PlaceOak DriveChatton CloseAdwest
Kings Road Duke StreetAustin RoadMarefieldHeadley Road Circle
Huntley and PalmersChapel HallBeech LaneChequers
Eldon RoadColemans Moor Lane TopChalfont Way ASDASilver Fox Crescent
RBH Main EntranceDrovers Way TopChalfont Way CircleArundel Road
RBH South WingDrovers Way TopBrerewoodMulberry Close
Alexandra RoadHearn RoadWychwood CrescentLivingstone Gardens
Foxhill RoadCoppice Road ParadeHartsbourne RoadThatchers
Eastern Avenue FootCoppice RoadWilderness CourtCampbell Road
MockbeggarThe GeorgeKennedy GardensNorth Lake
Bridges HallSkelmerdale Way FootpathSilverdale Road ShopsAntrim Road
Earley GateMill Lane - Gipsy LaneLakesideBulmershe Sports Centre
Earley CrossroadsToseland WayKenton RoadBulmershe Court
St Peters ChurchHawkedon WayHillside RoadCulver Lane
Anderson AvenueSellafield WayGipsy LaneCulver Lane
Eastcourt AvenueMarefieldBrookside CloseEastcourt Avenue
Culver LaneBeech LaneSellafield WayAnderson Avenue
Culver LaneFaygate WayGipsy Lane - Mill LanePalmerstone Road
Bulmershe CourtChatton CloseMill Lane - Gipsy LaneSt Peters Church
Palmerstone RoadChalfont Way ASDASkelmerdale Way FootpathEarley Crossroads
Bulmershe Sports CentreBrookside CloseThe GeorgeEarley Gate
Antrim RoadGipsy LaneCoppice RoadBridges Hall
North LakeHillside RoadCoppice Road ParadeMockbeggar
Campbell RoadKenton RoadHearn RoadEastern Avenue Foot
ThatchersLakesideDrovers Way TopFoxhill Road
Livingstone GardensSilverdale Road ShopsColemans Moor Lane TopAlexandra Road
Mulberry CloseKennedy GardensChapel HallRBH South Wing
Arundel RoadWilderness CourtAustin RoadRBH Main Entrance
ChequersHartsbourne RoadOak DriveUoR London Road
Headley Road CircleWychwood CrescentDunbar DriveCrown Street
Headley ParkBrerewoodHerald WayLondon Street Foot
Woodley PiazzaChalfont Way CircleViscount WayKings Road Duke Street
Lysander CloseChalfont Way ASDAComet Way - Victor WayMinster Street
Comet Way - Rose CloseComet Way - Rose CloseSt Marys Butts
Comet Way - Victor WayLysander CloseFriar Street

<p>Service status information is derived from an algorithm comparing timetable information with the arrival of buses en route at timing points. Live bus information for individual routes is derived from tracking devices and the standard journey times between the current position of the bus and the bus stop. Where live data is not available Timetable information is displayed (shown at TT). Data is provided by Reading Borough Council through its Open Data Server project.</p>


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