Live Bus Information


Route 20 - Reading Station to Chalfont Way (Asda) via UoR

click on bus stop below for live info

										Timetable for Route 20
										Map for Route 20

timetables from service operator: Reading Buses

Route 20Blagrave Street EJMarket Place MALondon Street FootCrown StreetKendrick Student VillageMorgan RoadVicarage RoadChristchurch GreenUniversity of Reading Whiteknights HousePepper Lane UniversityHarcourt DriveHartsbourne RoadBeech Lane / Wilderness RoadHilbury RoadDene CloseChelwood RoadThanington WayFleetham GardensCutbush LaneDoddington CloseLittington CloseCutbush CloseBradmore WayBeeston WayChalfont Way ASDAChalfont Way ASDABeeston WayBradmore WayCutbush CloseLittington CloseDoddington CloseCutbush LaneFleetham GardensThanington WayChelwood RoadDene CloseHilbury RoadBeech Lane / Wilderness RoadHartsbourne RoadHarcourt DrivePepper Lane UniversityUniversity of Reading Chancellor's WayChancellors WayChristchurch GreenVicarage RoadMorgan RoadKendrick Student VillageCrown StreetLondon Street FootKings Road Duke Street MHMinster Street MPSt Marys Butts CRFriar Street FHBlagrave Street EJ

Bus Stops for Route Route 20

click on bus stop below for live info

Reading Station to Chalfont Way (Asda) via UoRChalfont Way (Asda) to Reading Station via UoR
Blagrave StreetChelwood RoadChalfont Way ASDAHarcourt Drive
Market PlaceThanington WayBeeston WayPepper Lane University
London Street FootFleetham GardensBradmore WayReading University
Crown StreetCutbush LaneCutbush CloseChancellors Way
Kendrick Student VillageDoddington CloseChatteris Way - Firmstone CloseChristchurch Green
Crown Place PassageLittington CloseChatteris Way - Gregory CloseVicarage Road
Morgan RoadChatteris Way - Gregory CloseLittington CloseMorgan Road
Vicarage RoadChatteris Way - Firmstone CloseDoddington CloseCrown Place Passage
Christchurch GreenCutbush CloseCutbush LaneKendrick Student Village
Reading UniversityBradmore WayFleetham GardensCrown Street
Pepper Lane UniversityBeeston WayThanington WayLondon Street Foot
Harcourt DriveChalfont Way ASDAChelwood RoadKings Road Duke Street
Hartsbourne RoadDene CloseMinster Street
Beech Lane / Wilderness RoadHilbury RoadSt Marys Butts
Hilbury RoadWilderness CourtFriar Street
Dene CloseHartsbourne RoadBlagrave Street

<p>Service status information is derived from an algorithm comparing timetable information with the arrival of buses en route at timing points. Live bus information for individual routes is derived from tracking devices and the standard journey times between the current position of the bus and the bus stop. Where live data is not available Timetable information is displayed (shown at TT). Data is provided by Reading Borough Council through its Open Data Server project.</p>


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