Live Bus Information


Route 21 - Reading Station to Lower Earley (Kilnsea Drive) via UoR

click on bus stop below for live info

										Timetable for Route 21
										Map for Route 21

timetables from service operator: Reading Buses

Route 21Blagrave Street EJMarket Place MALondon Street FootCrown StreetKendrick Student VillageMorgan RoadVicarage RoadChristchurch GreenUniversity of Reading Whiteknights HousePepper Lane UniversityHarcourt DriveWychwood CrescentBrerewoodChalfont Way CircleRosemary AvenueRyhill WayChatton CloseFaygate WayBeech LaneMarefieldChilcombe WayFelixstowe CloseKitwood DriveEasington DriveHawkedon WaySellafield WayMarefieldBeech LaneFaygate WayChatton CloseRyhill WayRosemary AvenueChalfont Way CircleBrerewoodWychwood CrescentHarcourt DrivePepper Lane UniversityUniversity of Reading Chancellor's WayChancellors WayChristchurch GreenVicarage RoadMorgan RoadKendrick Student VillageCrown StreetLondon Street FootKings Road Duke Street MHMinster Street MPSt Marys Butts CRFriar Street FHBlagrave Street EJ

Bus Stops for Route Route 21

click on bus stop below for live info

Reading Station to Lower Earley (Kilnsea Drive) via UoRLower Earley (Kilnsea Drive) to Reading Station via UoR
Blagrave StreetRyhill WayChilcombe WayPepper Lane University
Market PlaceChatton CloseFelixstowe CloseReading University
London Street FootFaygate WayKitwood DriveChancellors Way
Crown StreetBeech LaneEasington DriveChristchurch Green
Kendrick Student VillageMarefieldHawkedon WayVicarage Road
Crown Place PassageChilcombe WaySellafield WayMorgan Road
Morgan RoadFelixstowe CloseMarefieldCrown Place Passage
Vicarage RoadKitwood DriveBeech LaneKendrick Student Village
Christchurch GreenEasington DriveFaygate WayCrown Street
Reading UniversityHawkedon WayChatton CloseLondon Street Foot
Pepper Lane UniversityRyhill WayKings Road Duke Street
Harcourt DriveRosemary AvenueMinster Street
Wychwood CrescentChalfont Way ASDASt Marys Butts
BrerewoodChalfont Way CircleFriar Street
Chalfont Way CircleBrerewoodFriar Street
Chalfont Way ASDAWychwood CrescentBlagrave Street
Rosemary AvenueHarcourt Drive

<p>Service status information is derived from an algorithm comparing timetable information with the arrival of buses en route at timing points. Live bus information for individual routes is derived from tracking devices and the standard journey times between the current position of the bus and the bus stop. Where live data is not available Timetable information is displayed (shown at TT). Data is provided by Reading Borough Council through its Open Data Server project.</p>


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