Live Bus Information

Route 22 - Central Reading to Caversham Heights

click on bus stop below for live info

										Timetable for Route 22
										Map for Route 22
					          Map for Route 22

timetables from service operator: Reading Buses

Bus Stops for Route 22

click on bus stop below for live info

Central Reading to Caversham HeightsCaversham Heights to Central Reading
Friar StreetSt Andrews Church
Forbury RoadRichmond Road
Station North InterchangeUplands Road
Swansea RoadKidmore Road
The ModerationShepherds Lane
Bridge Street CavershamHilltop Road
Church StreetFernbrook Road
Caversham LibrarySt Peters Avenue
Priest HillHarrogate Road
The MountHighmoor Road Church
Highmoor Road Albert RoadDarell Road
St Andrews ChurchHighmoor Road Albert Road
The Mount
Blenheim Road
St Annes Well
Caversham Library
Bridge Street Caversham
The Moderation
Swansea Road
Station North Interchange
Caversham Road Fire Station
Friar Street
Friar Street

<p>Service status information is derived from an algorithm comparing timetable information with the arrival of buses en route at timing points. Live bus information for individual routes is derived from tracking devices and the standard journey times between the current position of the bus and the bus stop. Where live data is not available Timetable information is displayed (shown at TT). Data is provided by Reading Borough Council through its Open Data Server project.</p>

Route 22Friar Street FLForbury Road ELVastern RoadSwansea RoadThe ModerationBridge Street CavershamChurch StreetCaversham LibraryPriest HillThe MountHighmoor Road Albert RoadSt Andrews ChurchRichmond RoadUplands RoadKidmore RoadShepherds LaneHilltop RoadFernbrook RoadSt Peters AvenueHarrogate RoadHighmoor Road ChurchDarell RoadHighmoor Road Albert RoadThe MountCaversham LibraryBridge Street CavershamThe ModerationSwansea RoadCaversham Road Fire StationGreyfriars Road WFFriar Street FJ

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