Getting There

Riverside Museum at Blake’s Lock

Telling the story of Reading's two rivers - the Kennet and the Thames - the Riverside Museum occupies two former industrial buildings, the Screen House and the Turbine House. The Screen House displays our gypsy caravan built by Reading firm Dunton and Sons to the 'Ledge' design, and a video about gypsy life. You can also see a variety of objects illustrating life by the river, from stuffed fish to regatta tickets, and including a medieval mill wheel found during excavations at the site of The Oracle shopping centre. A hands-on interactive shows how the mill wheel worked. The Turbine House is a unique building that spans the Kennet, with waterside views towards the town centre. It houses preserved turbine machinery and hosts occasional summertime art exhibitions and events.

By Bus

Reading Premier Routes, exit at Huntley and Palmers buildng and a short walk from there.

Bus Routes:  17  13  14 

By Bike

National Cycle Route

Reading Cycle Route:  NCN4 

By Train

Reading Station, then a short walk to the Museum or pick up a bus outside the station.

National Rail Enquiries on 08457 484950

By Car

No parking available at the Museum.

On Foot

The Riverside Museum is a short walk from Reading Town centre. 1.Head down Valpy Street towards the Forbury. Bear right and enter Forbury Gardens through the gate. 2.Walk through the gardens past the lion statue. 3. Exit the park through the Abbey Gate and turn left down Abbots Walk. 4. Turn right after Abbots House and continue down some steps. 5. Follow the path round and cross a footbridge. 6. Continue to follow path along the river, underneath Blakes Bridge. 7. Continue down path. At the end follow path up and cross Gas works Road and continue to Riverside Museum round the back of the Bell and Dragon.


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