Transport Policy


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Local Transport Plan

Reading's transport strategy is established in Reading Borough Council’s Local Transport Plan (LTP) for the period 2011-26.

The LTP is a statutory document setting out the Council’s transport strategy and policy. Reading’s third Local Transport Plan (LTP3) was adopted by the Council in March 2011.

The LTP includes a 15-year strategy document and a rolling 3-year implementation programme. The LTP programme is reviewed annually to ensure the LTP3 aims and objectives are being delivered.

M4 J11

The statement below summarises the vision for transport in Reading as set out in the LTP:

Our Transport Vision: Connecting Reading

Transport in Reading will better connect people to the places that they want to go: easily, swiftly, safely, sustainably and in comfort. We will meet the challenges of a dynamic, low-carbon future to promote prosperity for Reading.

Whichever way you choose to travel, by foot or bicycle, motorcycle, bus, rail, car or boat whether to work or education, to leisure or the services you need, our transport system will help you get there.

Further information on Reading's transport policy is available on Reading Borough Council's website, please click here.


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