Taxi Services


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Hackney Carriages

Hackney Carriages are the London style 'black cabs' which can commonly be seen on the streets of Reading. 

Hire and Fares

Hackney Carriages can be hailed on street when the 'for hire' sign is illuminated or at ranks around Reading. Hackney Carriages fares are regulated by the Licencing Authority and run on meters. It is a breach of the licence for a black cab to carry fares off the meter.

Accessible Taxis

All Hackney Carriages are wheelchair accessible and should be equipped with ramps. Since April 2002, all new Hackney Carriage drivers have been trained on the use of ramps and restraints for carrying disabled passengers.

Both Hackney Carriages and Private Hire vehicles are required to carry assistance dogs accompanying a passenger without additional charge


To book a Hackney Carriage, call Reading Taxis Tel: 0118 956 1010

Taxi Ranks

Only Hackney Carriages may use taxi ranks. 

There is a map of taxi ranks in Reading on this site.



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