Cycling Strategy
Reading’s Cycling Strategy 2014 - ‘Bridging Gaps, Overcoming Barriers and Promoting Safer Cycling' was adopted as Council policy in March 2014 following a three-month consultation period.
The Strategy builds on the achievements of the Cycling Strategy 2008, which included developing colour-coded cycle routes and associated route maps, Bikeability cycle training completed by 1,500 children since 2009, and a series of successful workplace cycle challenge events. The Cycling Strategy 2014 builds on the work undertaken as part of the previous Strategy and sets out detailed policies on the design principles for delivering infrastructure and route improvements for cyclists on the public highway. Other policies to encourage and promote cycling for everyday local journeys are as detailed in the document.
Reading Borough Council’s successful £25 million LSTF bids have opened up a number of opportunities to help achieve the Council’s overall ambition of encouraging more people to choose cycling as a way of getting around. This includes aiming for 2,300 additional cycle trips every day by April 2015, and doubling the percentage of people cycling to work in the next five years.
The Cycling Strategy contains a series of schemes, initiatives and aims, including:
- opening the proposed Pedestrian and Cycle Bridge by Summer 2015 and a new Bike Hire scheme for Reading by Spring 2014
- opening up the Napier Road underpass to provide a key link between Newtown and the National Cycle Route by Summer 2015
- a substantial increase in the number of cycle parking spaces, including doubling cycle parking at Reading Station by opening a new Cycle Parking Hub by Autumn 2014
- a review of existing and potential new cycle routes - including signage - to make travelling between routes easier for cyclists
- investigating opportunities to improve road lay outs - including advanced Stop Lines - where there is sufficient width and lane capacity is not reduced
- working in partnership with Thames Valley Police to help educate people about the dangers of cycling on pavements along with targeted enforcement
- continuing to providing cycle training -including for primary and secondary school pupils - that improves confidence and highlights the benefits of cycling
- maintaining a programme of installing improved street lighting, and supporting campaigns aimed at making drivers more aware of vulnerable road users, including cyclists.
The Cycling Strategy will be supported by an annual implementation plan setting out progress, targets and milestones, and the delivery programme for the subsequent financial year.
Local Transport Plan 2006-2011: Cycling Strategy
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Cycling Strategy 2014
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The Cycling Strategy 2014 sets out detailed policies on the design principles for delivering infrastructure and route improvements for cyclists over a five-year period until 2019. Other policies include those that aim to encourage and promote cycling through training, campaigns and incentives.
External Links
Sustrans The leading sustainable transport charity
Reading Cycle Campaign Find out more about cycling in Reading