
Whether you are an experienced or inexperienced cyclist you must obey the Highway Code - it applies to cyclists as much as to motorists. Here are some of the points illustrated in the code.


You must obey all traffic signs and traffic light signals.

Bus lanes may be used by cyclists only if the signs include a cycle symbol. Be very careful when overtaking or leaving a bus lane as you will be entering a busier traffic flow.

Cycle lanes are marked by a white line (which may be broken) along the carriageway. Keep within the lane whenever possible.

Advanced stop lines enable cyclists to position themselves ahead of other traffic at traffic signal junctions.


Cycle tracks may segregate cyclists and pedestrians or they may share the same space (unsegregated). When using segregrated tracks you must keep to the side intended for cyclists.

Footways may also permit cyclists to share the space with pedestians and may be segregated by a white line or unsegregated. Do not cycle on a footway unless there are signs to indicate a shared footway.

Take care when passing pedestrians, especially children, elderly or disabled people and allow them plenty of room. Always be prepared to slow down and stop if necessary.


  • Do not ride on the inside of vehicles signalling or slowing down to turn left.
  • Pay attention to long vehicles which need a lot of room to manoeuvre at corners. Do not be tempted to ride in the space between them and the kerb.
  • Roundabouts can be hazardous and should be approached with care.

You may feel safer either keeping to the left on the roundabout or dismounting and walking your cycle round on the pavement or verge.


Do not ride across a pelican, puffin or zebra crossing. Dismount and wheel your cycle across.

Toucan crossings are light-controlled crossing which allow cyclists and pedestrians to cross at the same time. They are push button operated. Pedestrians and cyclists will see the green signal together. Cyclists are permitted to ride across.

Cycle - only crossings. Cycle tracks on opposite sides of the road may be linked by signalled crossings. You may ride across but you must not cross until the green cycle symbol is showing.

Road Safety Education/Cycle Training

Cycling on roads requires competence and this can be supported by taking the RoSPA National Cycling Training Test. The test helps to develop observation and manoeuvrability skills, introduces the Highway Code for Young Road Users, teaches the importance of cycle maintenance and hazard awareness, and provides information and advice on being conspicuous and wearing protective headgear. 

Cycling courses and activity sessions for all ages are organised by our Cycle Development Officer. Some are focused on improving cycle control skills, road safety knowledge and traffic awareness to help build cyclists' confidence. If you are interested, please contact

If your child can ride a bike and is 10 years of age or over why not enrol them on a  Bikeability Cycling Course  through their school or during the holiday period.

. Areas covered include: cycle control skills, starting and stopping, turning left, turning right, overtaking, emergency stop and the Highway Code. Remember your child may wish to cycle to their new school in September.


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