Riverside Rides

Thames Path At Kings Meadow

Route NCN5 alongside the Thames at King's Meadow 


L5 - from Central Reading take the R3 to the east along the Kennetside cycleway and pick up the NCN4 to Kennetmouth where NCN5 begins. Cross the historic Horseshoe Bridge and follow NCN5 along the Thames towpath and through King's Meadow to Caversham Lock. Take care crossing the river using Reading Bridge and join NCN4/R40 along the north bank of the river through Christchurch Meadows to Caversham Bridge. Cross back to the south bank and join the Thames Promenade beneath the bridge. Continue west alongside the Thames to Scours Lane. At the junction join R5 to return to central Reading.

Approximate Length: 6.5 miles



L6 - from Tilehurst Station follow R5 toward Reading as far as Scours Lane. Turn left down Scours Lane and onto the Thames Towpath to Caversham Bridge. Cross the Bridge to the north bank following R40 to Reading Bridge (private access prevents cycling on the southern side of the Thames between the two bridges). Pick up NCN5 through King's Meadow to Kennetmouth, crossing the Horseshoe Bridge. Take NCN4/R3 along the Kennet into Central Reading. You can stop off in The Oracle or the town centre for refreshment or continue on R1 or NCN4 along the Kennet to Rose Kiln Lane, turning with the canal and NCN4 through Kennet Meadows to Southcote Lock. Cross the water at the lock system and take the path north to Circuit Lane using R6 to Prospect Park. Join R50 and turn left onto Cockney Hill then continue to Tilehurst Triangle. From here join the quiet route along Westwood Road then it's downhill all the way on
Oak Tree Road to return to Tilehurst Station.

Approximate Length: 11 miles


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